For CCAMTAC member countries, in general CCAMTAC advisors focus on the following areas:

•           Macroeconomic analysis: macro-frameworks, analysis, forecasting, and communications.

•           Fiscal policy: public financial management, macro-fiscal issues, revenue administration.

•           Monetary and financial sector: central bank operations and financial regulation and supervision.

•           Macroeconomic statistics: national accounts, price, and government-finance and debt statistics.

Technical assistance (TA) is demand driven, taking into account priorities and available resources. Capacity development activities for Tajikistan included:


Public Financial Management: Strengthening Fiscal Risks Management and Disclosure (June 28 - September 7, 2021)

Building on the achievements of the first State-owned Enterprise (SOE) Fiscal Risks Management Strategy 2021-2025, CCAMTAC’s PFM advisor and a short-term expert helped draft the successor strategy, planned to cover 2021-2025. They have assisted the Ministry of Finance to resume the preparation and publication of the annual fiscal risks statements, in an updated format. They have also assisted the Ministry of Finance to implement the recently-approved methodology for establishing a buffer in the state budget to accommodate the materialization of SOE fiscal risks.

Tax Administration (February 15-19, 2021)

An expert provided assistance with reviewing the draft tax code. A declared objective of the authorities’ tax reform is to strengthen job creation in the private sector by lowering the tax burden on businesses while broadening the tax base.  An expert reviewed the draft Tax Code (TC) and provided written comments on tax administration aspects in the draft.