Regional Seminars

Fiscal Year 2021

Regional Workshop II - Assessing Fiscal Risks of State-Owned Enterprises (April 19-21, 2021)
The workshop aimed at supporting countries to strengthen the fiscal oversight of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and better assess and manage related fiscal risks. The workshop helped participants understand the common risks that can emanate from the SOE sector and analytical approaches for assessing them; provided an overview on the use of the SOE Health Check Tool from the Fiscal Affairs Department which is designed to assess financial vulnerabilities and fiscal risks from SOEs; discussed institutional approaches to strengthen oversight of SOEs; and good practices and country illustrations on how to report information on SOE-related fiscal risks in budget documents.
Regional Workshop I - An Introduction to Rolling Baselines (March 29 - April 1, 2021)
The workshop contributed to the strategic objective of “comprehensive, credible and policy-based budget preparation”. As several countries in the region are upgrading or implementing rules-based medium-term fiscal frameworks, the preparation of budget baseline estimates helps underpin the credibility of medium-term fiscal frameworks and supports fiscal discipline and compliance with fiscal rules. The seminar introduced participants to key concepts related to the preparation of budget baseline estimates; discussed the methodology for their preparation and their role in supporting budget preparation; and outlined the institutional roles and responsibilities for their preparation.
Regional workshop: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Compilation of National Accounts (March 29 - April 2, 2021)
The workshop launched CCAMTAC’s CD program in real sector statistics and discussed country-specific baselines and technical assistance (TA) needs to develop targeted national accounts and price statistics work plans for the short- and medium-term. The workshop strengthened the awareness of COVID-19 related challenges in compiling GDP and focused on: (i) good practice to record government support to businesses and households; (ii) challenges in recording deferred delivery of, and payment for goods and services; (iii) challenges in measuring non-market production, and; (iv) country technical assistance (TA) needs and priorities for FY22. National accountants and price statisticians from all nine CCAMTAC member countries attended.
Regional Workshop Debt Dynamics (March 15-24, 2021)
With debt rising in many countries in the region, a regional workshop, jointly organized with the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI), the Singapore Training Institute (STI), and CCAMTAC focused on the key analytical concepts related to debt dynamics, making use of an Excel-based Public Debt Dynamics Tool (DDT) by the IMF Institute for Capacity Development (ICD), and an hands-on application of the tool to 8 participants’ countries. To promote the integration of surveillance and TA, a panel discussion by three mission chiefs complemented the workshop. The seminar culminated with country presentations by participants, demonstrating their knowledge to understand how public debt is expected to change over time, perform scenario analyses, and assess fiscal adjustment paths to achieve a user-defined public debt target. Follow-up activities will be planned in FY22.