Welcome to CCAMTAC

The Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia Regional Capacity Development Center (CCAMTAC) is a collaborative venture between the IMF, nine member countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), and development partners. The Center was opened virtually on February 1, 2021 ahead of its physical launch in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The Center serves a diverse and dynamic region of 80 million people and is a major step in deepening the Fund’s engagement to support stronger policy frameworks and institutions in the region, to find new and inclusive growth drivers, and to boost the region’s economic potential. The Center joined a global network of sixteen IMF regional capacity development centers (RCDCs).

CCAMTAC is very grateful to our member countries and development partners. Kazakhstan, the host country, is a major contributor to the CCAMTAC, along with other member countries, development partners, and the IMF, Switzerland, Korea, Poland, the Asian Development Bank, and China ar the first development partners to have contributed to the center's five-year budget. Discussions with other partners are ongoing.


February 24, 2022
Webinar: Regional Integration in Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia
Register here

February 17, 2022
Webinar: Climate Change and Fiscal Policy

February 10, 2022
Webinar: Green Public Financial Management

February 2, 2022
Webinar: State-owned Enterprises

December 9, 2021
Webinar: The Middle East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook: Analytical Chapter Outreach

November 23, 2021
Webinar: The Debt Investment Growth and Natural Resources (DIGNAR) Model

November 16, 2021
Webinar: IMF's Engagement in Climate Issues

CCAMTAC Member Countries















Kyrgyz Republic












Program Document










Development Partners


Useful Links